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Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Male Worker Kneeling Down Holding Wire and Reaching into a Box

Have You Worked This Hard to Pay A Workers’ Comp Claim? We Didn’t Think So.

Do you have ANYONE working for you, either as an employee or 1099 contractor?

Workers’ Compensation Insurance coverage will provide benefits, as specified by state law, to employees (freelancers/subcontractors) for work related illnesses regardless of who is at fault. Typical covered expenses include medical expenses, healthcare costs, disability income benefits and death benefits. Please note most personal health/medical insurance policies do not cover work related injuries. If you have anyone working under your supervision/discretion and they are injured on the job you are liable for their medical expenses for the life time of the claim/injury.

If you are a photographer/videographer and living or working in California and New York…you are required to carry Workers’ Compensation and/or Disability insurance if any person is working under your direction and/or supervision. This law applies whether or not you, or those working under you, are state residents. Failure to comply with these laws is a criminal offense and subject to stiff penalties, upwards of $1,500.
This is an additional policy/coverage. The premium can range from $500 & up (annually) depending on payroll, etc.

Workers’ compensation insurance protects employers from claims resulting from injuries to employees. It protects your business from lawsuits and provides employees with compensation for on-the-job injuries.

By law, most employers are required to provide coverage for lost wages and medical bills incurred as a result of on-the-job accidents or illnesses. For many businesses, workers comp coverage is the largest part of its insurance expense.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Claims Examples:

  • Lung cancer resulting from second-hand smoke at a restaurant that permits smoking
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by too many consecutive hours at the computer
  • An assistant’s sprained ankle from tripping over a cord at your studio